Why Bipolar Disorder Is Commonly Misdiagnosed

With close to 3 percent of the American adult population suffering from bipolar disorder, sample research indicates it may be both under- and overdiagnosed. For instance, one study showed an average of nearly 10 years between patients’ first experience of bipolar symptoms and their first treatment with a mood stabilizer. Conversely, another study reported that … Read more

Misunderstanding Behaviors Related to Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is often associated with creativity and the condition is often found in persons with a great deal of potential. Unfortunately, however, bipolar disorder can also be a debilitating condition that can undermine the person’s sense of wellbeing and stand in the way of him reaching his full potential or being happy and well-adjusted. … Read more

What Does Bipolar Mania Look Like?

Are you concerned about yourself or someone you love? Bipolar disorder is among the most common mental illnesses in the world. Learn how to identify bipolar mania and find treatment that works. What is Bipolar Disorder? While all of us experience mood changes, those of us with bipolar disorder experience mood swings that affect daily … Read more

Self-Care Strategies When You Have Bipolar Disorder

Taking medication and seeing a psychiatrist and therapist are likely part of your overall treatment plan when you have bipolar disorder. However, there are also other ways to personally supplement your treatment plan. Here are some self-care strategies you can implement in addition to medication and therapy to help you take charge of your own … Read more

Types of Bipolar Disorder

The American Psychiatric Association and the World Health Organization both define bipolar disorder not as a clearly defined condition, but rather as a spectrum of mood disorders that occur on a continuum of alternating moods. It causes patients to alternate between extremes of mania and depression, but they may also exhibit primarily one or the … Read more

Will Doctors Soon Be Able to Diagnosis Bipolar Disorder with a Simple Blood Test?

Many people believe that diagnoses of psychiatric disorders are entirely subjective, and that there are no true “biomarkers” — biological processes found in a blood test or with medical imaging that prove the indisputable existence of disease. While that isn’t entirely true for all psychiatric conditions, there has been no biomarker identified for bipolar disorder … Read more

Substance-Induced Bipolar Disorder

Substance abuse can lead to chemical imbalances in the brain that may cause symptoms similar to bipolar disorder. These symptoms include shifts between manic and depressive episodes that occur within a month of substance abuse or intoxication. Depressive episodes are characterized by sadness, hopelessness, and disinterest in daily life, while manic episodes are characterized by … Read more

Insurance Coverage and DSM Diagnoses

DSM stands for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and is the standard classification of mental health disorders used by psychiatric professionals in the United States. The manual provides the diagnostic classification, diagnostic criteria sets, and descriptive text that are used by several different professionals in the health care industry. This manual allows … Read more

TellTale Signs of a Functional Addict

Telling the difference between an addict and someone who is sober can be surprisingly difficult. It is possible for even the most educated individuals to have difficulty distinguishing the difference between someone who has a problem, and someone who doesn’t. In more cases than you might think, a friend, family member or co-worker might be … Read more

Do I Need a Mood Disorder Specialist?

Mood disorders can be a disruptive factor in your life. If you are struggling with one or more mood disorders, or are suffering from co-occurring mood disorders and addiction issues, you may find that treatment from a mood disorder specialist can transform your life. Understanding Mood Disorders Mood disorders can take many forms and can … Read more

How Does Fame Influence Drug Abuse?

The relationship between fame and drug abuse is complicated and multi-faceted. In many cases the impression that famous people use drugs may be caused by media coverage. Entertainment news shows and tabloids are unlikely to treat their viewers to stories about addicted mothers, teachers, doctors, or factory workers. But there are both causal and circumstantial … Read more

Why Addiction Is Not a Muse

Creativity, drug use and mental health concerns are often connected and, unfortunately, often romanticized. Idealizing artistic lives of inner turmoil and addiction leads some to believe drug use is a way to access creativity or inspiration while the truth is just the opposite. Drug use and addiction limit a person’s productivity and creativity, and artists … Read more

The Relationship between Gambling and Anti-Depressants

People who engage in chronic gambling or suffer from gambling addiction will often experience high levels of depression. Gambling can affect numerous areas of a person’s life that can lead to depression in various ways. Some of the different ways that gambling may affect a person’s life include the following: Significant financial loss Broken relationships … Read more

Can Social Media Exacerbate Eating Disorders?

Social media has taken the world by storm, and, with its near-constant presence, it is hard for anyone to argue against its almost ubiquitous impact. Social media affects how we communicate, treat other people and perceive ourselves. As a side note, studies have reported a steep increase in eating disorder rates among teenagers in the … Read more

What Is Anti-Social Personality Disorder?

Anti-social personality disorder is a mental disorder characterized by a pattern of disregard for other people’s rights or feelings. People with anti-social personality disorder often violate the rights of others for their own personal gain. The symptoms of the disorder usually begin during childhood and can continue into adulthood. One of the key characteristics of … Read more

Non-Military Causes of PTSD

Those serving in the military are at an alarmingly high risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In fact, the U.S. Defense Medical Surveillance System (DMSS) reports that in 2013, approximately 12,632 of those deployed to Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation New Dawn were diagnosed with PTSD. Because military personnel are so … Read more

What Is Bipolar Disorder NOS?

The “NOS” in “Bipolar Disorder NOS” stands for “Not Otherwise Specified.” This refers to a specific subset of bipolar symptom sets developed by mental health experts over the last several years. Individuals with bipolar disorder NOS do not have symptoms that exactly fit into a previously described category. This can make the disorder more difficult … Read more

Hispanic Women and Depression

Hispanics are the largest minority group in the United States, and they experience higher risks of major depression than non-Latino whites. This may be the result of the effects of acculturation and relatively high poverty levels. “Depression in US Hispanics: Diagnostic and Management Considerations in Family Practice,” published in the Journal of the American Board … Read more

Bipolar Disorder and Fatigue

Fatigue is a common, but serious symptom of bipolar disorder that usually arises during depressive episodes. It can also trigger depressive episodes and exacerbate other symptoms, meaning it presents a major challenge to treatment and managing the disorder. Fatigue can be so physically and mentally effective that patients lack the strength, willpower or interest to … Read more

How to Cope with a Lack of Closure

If you are having trouble coping with grief and it has not gone away for months, then you may be suffering from depression. When life throws a curveball your way, it can be difficult enough to cope, but even more so when there is no closure following that major life event. Some people do not … Read more

How Do I Find a 9-to-5 Job after Rehab?

Although addiction can end careers, studies show that recovery puts people ahead of the game professionally. Statistics show that people who complete treatment are more likely to get hired and are also paid higher salaries. Workplace Reentry: Key Preparation It is essential to gain the right mindset before you start a job search. That is … Read more

The Relief of Not Being in Complete Control

Few people desire to have addiction issues, but many people who experience significant trauma find their solace by developing controlling behaviors. In fact, the earlier in life someone experiences a traumatic experience, the less experience they have to handle this problem in a good way, which means they may respond in an unhealthy way. For … Read more

Can Addiction Cause Trauma in Family Members?

According to the American Psychiatric Association, trauma is defined as an emotional response someone has to an extremely negative event.  These events often involve actual or threatened death or serious injury, the threat of physical or self-harm, and trigger feelings of fear, helplessness, or horror. Sometimes the effects of trauma can be so severe that … Read more

Managing Anxiety and Pain Symptoms

Living with chronic pain can be incredibly challenging, especially if the treatment you receive does not help much. You may also face anxiety, depression, panic attacks and other mental illness concerns that contribute to your pain symptoms, but you can overcome these problems with professional help. How Pain Affects Anxiety Chronic pain means pain lasts … Read more

Is Depression a Biological Disease?

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, depression interferes with daily life and hurts both you and those who care about you. Depression is a common but serious illness. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, depression annually affects 5-8 percent of adults in the US, which means that approximately 25 million Americans … Read more

How to Find a Professional Interventionist for a Mental Health Situation

The effects of a mental health situation affect not only the person involved, but their loved ones as well. When this situation becomes out of hand, concerned and hurt loved ones should consider holding an intervention for their loved one. Common mental health situations that might warrant interventions include substance abuse, addiction, anger, violence, and … Read more

When Depressants and PTSD Mix

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a complicated physiological and psychological disorder that mental health professionals are finally beginning to understand. Emotionally intense events can change the function of the brain in fundamental and harmful ways. Self-medication through drug and alcohol abuse is a common symptom of PTSD that only makes the situation worse. New discoveries … Read more

7 Signs that You’re Enabling an Addict

It is human nature to want to help another person who is suffering from an illness like addiction. Sometimes though, a meaningful attempt to help can turn into enablement. If you find that you display any of these seven signs, it is possible that you are enabling your loved one to further his or her … Read more

How Can I Educate Myself About My Child’s Addiction?

Addiction is a terrifying problem for parents to confront. Amidst feelings of fear and grief, mothers and fathers must understand the causes of the disease and how to confront them. If you are concerned about your child’s addiction, take the following steps to educate yourself. Call Our Toll-free Helpline To educate yourself about your child’s … Read more

Are Painkillers Safe to Take as Directed?

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the year 2010 had approximately 16 million Americans report using a prescription medication for non-medical reasons in the past year, and 7 million report drug abuse in the past month. Addiction does not discriminate, meaning it can even strike people who take their medications correctly, so remain … Read more

How a Negative Self-Image Affects Depression

Numerous studies have discovered connections between negative self-image and depression. People with low a self-esteem or a negative self-image have a higher risk of depression, but, if they are swiftly treated, then they may avoid the grip of mental health disorders. Seek professional help to address both problems at the same time. How a Negative … Read more

4 Ways to Be Dedicated to Change

Change can be intimidating. This is especially the case when it is a big change like becoming sober. When you get clean, your entire life will be transformed, and your life will no longer be the same. It is by taking intentional steps over time that you will see how you can make the changes … Read more

Vegetative Symptoms of Depression

Vegetative symptoms are functions or bodily processes that are most associated with the maintenance of life, such as basic bodily processes like nutritional, metabolic and endocrine functioning. Vegetative dysfunction can help individuals and clinicians identify mood disorders and psychological issues. Problems in vegetative functioning are common symptoms of depression and depressive disorders, especially among children. … Read more

What Is a Speedball?

With as many drugs that are out there, people often experiment with different concoctions. In this way, the speedball was created, a dangerous drug that has claimed the lives of many. Seek professional help to treat addiction, including addiction to multiple drugs. A speedball is a mixture of cocaine and heroin that is injected intravenously. … Read more

Genetic Causes of Depression

There are a number of causes of depression, and in order to successfully work through a depression treatment program you will find it hugely beneficial to examine all of the potential causes of your depression. While environmental causes of depression definitely bear looking into, it is important to also consider the link between depression and … Read more

Substance Abuse as a Remedy for Chronic Jet Lag

Chronic jet lag can cause individuals to seek alternative methods to help them go to sleep or remain alert with little to no sleep.  These alternative methods can include abuse of over the counter drugs or illegal substances.  Like any chronic issue, chronic jet lag and substance abuse can worsen if left untreated. How Can … Read more

Do I Have Borderline Personality Disorder?

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) has become increasingly diagnosed in the last decade. Borderline personality disorder often co-occurs with other mental health issues or addiction. As we learn more about this disorder, new treatments are being developed. Symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder People who suffer from borderline personality disorder struggle with a great deal with emotions. … Read more

How the Trigger Process Works

As you start your recovery, you still have fresh memories from when you would drink or use drugs. Because of this, you will be tempted by different reminders to slide back into old habits. This is very common. Know it is only a matter of time before you face a trigger. These triggers work by … Read more

Gender Stereotypes and Bipolar Disorder

Gender biases are prevalent, but trained medical professionals should be able to overlook these and make accurate diagnoses, especially with serious mental illnesses like bipolar disorder. Since bipolar disorder is difficult to diagnose, some people may not understand the disease’s symptoms and unfairly assume they know someone’s personal struggles. Manic and depressive episodes are a … Read more

Different Types of Problem Drinking

There are three general types of problem drinking, according to the University of Michigan. These include binge drinking, alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence. Each form of problem drinking has its own unique risks, although alcohol dependence is considered the most serious form of problem drinking. Individuals who binge drink and abuse alcohol are at risk … Read more

How Rapidly Can Bipolar Mood Swings Occur?

Everyone experiences changes in mood as a part of their normal, daily life, but individuals with bipolar disorder experience drastic mood changes that negatively affect their overall wellbeing. Bipolar disorder is usually characterized by a combination of depressive and manic episodes. When an individual is in a state of mania, he may feel energetic and … Read more

What Is Dysphoric Mania?

Dysphoric mania refers to a group of symptoms that fall under bipolar disorder. Individuals with these symptoms usually experience depression and mania at the same time, which can trouble patients greatly. The combination of depression and the agitated state of mania can lead to extreme behaviors, such as attempted suicide or violence. Also known as … Read more

How Abuse Contributes to Depression

Depression is a serious psychological disorder that is caused by imbalances in the chemical system that the brain uses to regulate mood, impulse control, ambition, gratification and memory. A variety of naturally occurring chemicals, such as dopamine and serotonin, are involved in the signal system used by the brain to manage emotions. Depression occurs when … Read more

Does Winter Affect Mental Health Symptoms?

Winter can often be a time that brings about numerous negative mental health symptoms such as depression and anxiety. In the winter, people often experience symptoms that mimic clinical depression but the symptoms are exclusive to the winter season. Winter depression has even been given a medical name known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD). The … Read more

What Are the Criteria for Alcoholism?

Drinking alcohol is a common part of American culture. In fact, the 2012 National Health Interview Survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 51.3% of those ages 18 and older classify as regular drinkers. Clearly, not everyone who drinks suffers from alcoholism. A majority of drinkers are able to maintain … Read more

Alcohol’s Effect on Long-Term Stress

Many people use alcohol to reduce stress. Whether people grab drinks after hard days at the office or they go to a party after college exams end, they seek alcohol for its quick, short-lasting relief from all kinds of stress. Unfortunately, this relief from alcohol abuse never lasts long, and it often causes more stress … Read more

Self-Destruction and Manic Depression

Manic depression, also known as bipolar disorder, can lead an individual through complicated and overwhelming emotions that sometimes lead to self-destructive behavior. Self-injury and risky decision making can make bipolar disorder dangerous to your health and your life, but there is help available. Bipolar Disorder Can Take Over Your Life if Left Untreated Bipolar disorder … Read more

How Seasonal Changes Affect Bipolar Disorder

The human brain manages a wide range of emotional and psychological functions through a sensitive and intricate system of chemical signals and responses in the central nervous system. A number of environmental and congenital factors can affect the balance of a person’s brain chemistry, which can, in turn, cause significant changes in that person’s mood. … Read more

Can Other People Tell I Have Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic-depression, is a very serious psychological disorder that causes a person to swing between heightened episodes of emotional mania and major depression in ways that can cause significant pain and suffering. The symptoms of bipolar disorder are often not recognized as part of one overarching problem and are instead believed … Read more

Women, Depression and Addiction

There is a close connection between depression and addiction in women. Depression is one of the most devastating psychological disorders a person can experience. Any substance that provides even momentary relief will be craved by the brain in a way that is much more powerful than conscious thought. Women who suffer from depression are at … Read more

Bipolar Disorder and Sex Addiction

Bipolar disorder is one of the most common mood disorders in the world, affecting millions of people each year. This common disorder is also very complex and can produce a wide range of side effects that can contribute to the development of additional disorders and addictions. Can Bipolar Disorder Cause Sex Addiction? Someone who has … Read more

Symptoms of Major Depression

Major depression is a serious psychological disorder that is caused by chemical imbalances in the part of the brain that manages emotions, impulse control and anxiety response. If left untreated, this disease can lead to additional mental health challenges and can eventually compromise physical health. Great strides have been made in recent years in the … Read more

Potential Consequences of Feeling Tired and Depressed

Feeling tired and depressed go hand-in-hand. One of the biggest symptoms of depression is fatigue or feeling tired. These problems can affect you psychologically as much as physically. The potential consequences can interfere with your ability to perform everyday tasks, but it can also lead to many serious health conditions. Showing symptoms of depression does … Read more

How Depression Affects Learning

Depression is a mental health illness that can arise from a number of genetic, biological and environmental factors. It is extremely common for depression to co-occur with other mental health illnesses. It can cause other psychological issues or even result from one. Depression will affect one’s mood, physical health and psychological health, including learning ability. … Read more

Bipolar Disorder, Addiction and Weight Problems

Bipolar disorder is a brain disorder that results in major shifts in mood, energy and activity levels. The symptoms of bipolar disorder are not the common highs and lows that everyone experiences on good or bad days. Rather, they are severe shifts in mood and brain function, which can result in damaged relationships, poor job … Read more

What Is the Young Mania Rating Scale?

The Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) is one of the most common diagnostic criteria for identifying and assessing mania in patients with bipolar disorder. It was originally developed in 1978 to diagnose the disorder in adults, but since then it has been altered to diagnose anxiety and other issues that affect children. How the YMRS … Read more

What Is Bipolar II Disorder?

Bipolar II disorder, which is also called type II bipolar disorder, is a form of bipolar disorder that does not involve full-blown mania. A lesser elevated mood called hypomania, or literally “below mania,” is as “up” as a person with bipolar II will ever become. Because the symptoms of hypomania can be more difficult to … Read more

Self-Absorption and Bipolar Disorder

To the non-bipolar individual, the symptoms of both manic and depressive episodes can seem like self-absorption, selfishness and manipulative and demanding behavior. Bipolar individuals have a major internal struggle during both manic and depressive episodes, and the effects of the disorder can come off differently to others who do not understand the physical and psychological … Read more

Psychosis and Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is one of the most common mental illnesses, and it affects thousands of people nationwide. This disorder is often very difficult to manage because the medications used to treat it can make an individual feel lousy and the symptoms associated with it are often extremely overwhelming. However, one of the most challenging side … Read more

Soldiers and Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline personality disorder is a mental health illness characterized by unstable moods, behavior and relationships. Signs and symptoms of the disorder include the following examples: Extreme mood swings or reactions to threats, both real and perceived. Extreme responses may include panic, rage or fear. Recurring patterns of unstable and intense relationships with family, friends and … Read more

Ketamine Abuse and Bipolar Disorder

Ketamine, commonly referred to as Special-K, is a widely abused drug due to its anesthetic, hallucinogenic and painkilling abilities. Recent studies show that the drug may benefit those with bipolar disorder, but experts strongly discourage clinical use because long-term efficiency and possible safety hazards are still unknown. Ketamine abuse is ongoing among recreational and medical … Read more

Bipolar Disorder, Unemployment and Addiction

Bipolar disorder is a serious illness characterized by manic and depressive episodes that cause extreme shifts in energy, mood, activity levels and the ability to perform life’s everyday tasks. Due to the unexpected appearance of symptoms, bipolar disorder can interfere with all areas of an individual’s life. Relationships can suffer, health problems can occur and … Read more

Domestic Violence and Bipolar Disorder

While the idea that people with mental disorders are automatically more violent than the general population has been proven to be a myth, there are several aspects of untreated bipolar disorder that can lead to an increased risk of domestic violence. This is a confusing and frightening situation with emotional and physical repercussions for all … Read more

What Are the DSM Criteria for Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a very serious psychological condition, previously known as manic depression, which has a unique set of symptoms and treatment options. People with bipolar disorder tend to be at risk for other co-occurring conditions, such as substance abuse, addiction and compulsive behaviors. While the term is frequently used to describe mood swings, an … Read more

What Is Cyclomania?

Cyclomania is a mild form of bipolar disorder consisting of hypomania and mild depression. Cyclomania is also commonly referred to as cyclothymia. Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder that is sub-characterized into three different forms: bipolar I, bipolar II and bipolar III or cyclomania. In general, bipolar disorder consists of shifts in mood, energy levels … Read more

Talking to Your Teen about Your Bipolar Disorder

When you live with bipolar disorder, you become accustomed to expecting the unexpected. Children and teenagers who have a parent struggling with manic depression can experience confusion, anger and frustration. When you make the decision to get professional bipolar disorder help, it is important that you share your decision and your hopes for the future … Read more

Isolation and Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a very serious mental condition that causes a person to move between times of deep depression and brief periods of mania. Previously known as manic-depression, this condition affects millions of people of all ages, ethnicities and walks of life. If left untreated, it can lead to a wide range of painful and … Read more

Soldiers and Antisocial Personality Disorder

Antisocial personality disorder (APD) is a very serious, even dangerous, psychological disease that can be extremely hard to identify in a soldier. While military life often weeds out most mental illnesses, the unique characteristics of this particular condition can slip through the proverbial cracks. In 2006 U.S. Army PFC Steven D. Green and a group … Read more

Major Depressive Disorder and Pain Symptoms

Major depressive disorder is a serious mental condition that can lead to suicide if left untreated. Over 3% of people with this condition will attempt suicide and over 60% of people who commit suicide suffered from major depression or another related mood disorder. A frequent component of major depressive disorder, either as a cause, symptom … Read more

What Is Hypomania?

The psychological disorder previously known as manic depression is now more accurately called bipolar disorder. Individuals who suffer from this condition swing between emotional extremes, or poles, of severe depression and mania. Between these extremes is a midway point referred to as hypomania. The word literally means “below” mania and it refers to an emotional … Read more

Bullying and Bipolar Disorder

Bullying is a form of aggressive behavior where one individual intentionally inflicts injury or discomfort on another individual. Bullying is not limited to physical contact; it can also take form in speech and indirect or subtle actions. Bullying has recently become a topic of interest for the general public, raising awareness for the many serious … Read more

Depression and Unhealthy Weight Loss

Depression can be a cause of, as well as a side effect of, a large number of mental health issues, including eating disorders. Even in the absence of a true eating disorder, a person suffering from depression can experience appetite disturbances, dramatic and unhealthy weight loss, general malnutrition and overall poor health. Depression as a … Read more

Hormones and Bipolar Disorder

Medical professionals do not completely understand bipolar disorder. The symptomology is clear, yet patients experience different levels of mood fluctuation at different rates. Some individuals experience primarily one symptom or another, and these symptoms can closely resemble those of other conditions, such as simple depression or schizophrenia. There is no clinical test for bipolar disorder; … Read more

Biological Causes of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a serious mood disorder in which a person’s mood goes from one extreme to another. This disorder affects thousands of people each year making it one of the most common disorders in the country. Similar to that of addiction, bipolar disorder is thought to be caused partially by both environmental factors and … Read more

How Has Bipolar Disorder Touched Your Life?

Bipolar disorder affects communities and individuals in various ways. Untreated bipolar disorder may lead to crime or erratic behavior that may affect other individuals, which can cost society. Addiction and bipolar disorder often occur simultaneously, leading to more problems for those born with this condition. Without proper treatment, these individuals may have a harder time … Read more

Bipolar Disorder as a Hidden Illness

Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic depression, is an incurable mental condition that causes a person to cycle between times of severe depression and emotional mania. The symptoms of bipolar depression include the following: Lethargy Persistent sadness or crying Emotional numbness Sleep disorders Lack of motivation Suicidal thoughts or actions The manic side of bipolar … Read more

What Is Cyclothymia?

Cyclothymia is an often misunderstood mental health disorder that affects many people. If you suspect that you or a person you love has cyclothymia, take a moment to learn more about this illness, and find treatment that works. A Closer Look at Cyclothymia: Description and Symptoms Cyclothymia is a mood disorder that is similar to … Read more

Types of Mental Health Disorders

There are many types of mental health issues, and these can range from those that are mildly intrusive to those that are debilitating and can make life incredibly difficult. Understanding types of mental health disorders helps you know more about what you or a loved one is struggling with. Forms of Mental Health Illness The … Read more

Signs that Bipolar Disorder Is Out of Control

Bipolar disorder is a serious condition that can vary in intensity. If you or someone you love has bipolar disorder. It is important to take good care of yourself and seek treatment if it becomes necessary. Helping yourself when you have bipolar disorder will help you live a happier, more productive life. Symptoms of Bipolar … Read more

Sudden Personality Changes in Adults

What do you do if you or someone you love undergoes a big personality change? Learn the warning signs of a deeper problem associated with sudden personality changes in adults. If a loved one has been acting strangely or suddenly concerning you with unusual behavior, it may be time to seek help. What Is a … Read more

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

A lot of research has gone into understanding of bipolar disorders. In fact, part of a comprehensive treatment program is for a patient and their family to delve into this research. Knowing all the facets of the disorder can actually make working the treatment program less stressful. First, here are the classifications of the different types … Read more

Bipolar Disorder Help

Our moods shape our days. The same is true for the moods of others. In fact, working next to or waking up with someone in a bad mood could end up ruining your own day. Our moods can also shift at the drop of a hat. We start out in a good mood, but that … Read more

Effects of Bipolar Disorder

There is a potential double-edged sword of pain that comes to those suffering with bipolar disorder. In their own minds, they can become trapped in endless cycles of manic and depressive thoughts. In essence, they become a slave to mood swings. This often translates into feelings of isolation and a permeating sense that no one understands them. … Read more

How to Treat Bipolar Disorder

It is extremely important that individuals who suffer from bipolar disorder receive appropriate treatment even when they are going through a manic period.  Many times a person will believe that everything is fine once they begin to feel manic. This is because during this phase of the disorder a person will feel extremely energetic, happy, … Read more

Causes of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a condition which affects the mind. The person that has it will experience wild swings in mood. They will go from experiencing intense feelings of depression and sadness, with equally intense feelings of happiness and energy. Though this is a condition which affects millions of people, scientists and health professionals have yet … Read more