How to Treat Bipolar Disorder

It is extremely important that individuals who suffer from bipolar disorder receive appropriate treatment even when they are going through a manic period.  Many times a person will believe that everything is fine once they begin to feel manic. This is because during this phase of the disorder a person will feel extremely energetic, happy, “high,” and perhaps invincible. This carries a number of risk in and of itself.

Individuals that are in a manic, such as the one described above, may take risks that they wouldn’t normally and which they should not.  This may put them selves and their family at risk, often times financially, relationally and in a worst-case scenario physically. A decision during a manic period to drive especially fast or take an excessive amount of drugs may end in injury, or worst of all, with someone dead.

Depressive episodes are also a part of the disorder.  When individuals are feeling depressed they will experience extreme bouts of sadness, may not have a lot of energy and may not feel like being engaged in life. Suicide is an increased risk of someone who is depressed, especially severely so.

Depression Treatment

There are a number of ways to treat bipolar disorder. Medication and therapy, utilized together, is the most recommended form of care.  Below, we will take a look at a few of the types of medications which may be prescribed to individuals with bipolar disorder. They include mood stabilizes, anticonvulsants, calcium channel blockers.

Anticonvulsants which might be prescribed to an individual with bipolar disorder include Topamax, Depakote, Gabitril, Neurontin, Tegretol and Trileptal. Anticonvulsants are traditionally used to treat individuals who suffer from some sort of seizure disorder. They however, also act as mood stabilizers in individuals with bipolar disorder. These help to even out the lows and highs which characterize bipolar disorder.

Calcium channel blockers are another type of medication that is sometimes given to individuals with manic depressive disorder, though not necessarily on a regular basis. They mostly help to treat the manic part of the condition.  Common medications of this type include Calan, Nimotop and Norvasc. There has been a growing interest in using calcium channel blockers because they are safer for pregnant women. They may also help to decrease some of the side effects associated with antipsychotic medication.

Antipsychotic drugs may also be prescribed to individuals with bipolar disorder. It helps to manage feelings of manic and also treats psychotic feelings or experiences a person may have during intense manic or depressive episodes. The most common types of anti-psychotic drugs prescribed for this purpose include Abilify, Thorazine, Clozaril, Symbyax, Seroquel and Zypreya.

An individual who is manic-depressive may also be given antidepressant to be used in conjunction with other medications.  They may include classes of antidepressant such as SSRIs, MAOIs, antidepressants or tricyclics.

The type of medication a person may be prescribed will be dependent upon the discretion and expert advice of their doctor. He or she will consider  the individual’s symptoms and then make a professional decision.