Effects of Bipolar Disorder

There is a potential double-edged sword of pain that comes to those suffering with bipolar disorder. In their own minds, they can become trapped in endless cycles of manic and depressive thoughts. In essence, they become a slave to mood swings. This often translates into feelings of isolation and a permeating sense that no one understands them. Outside the sufferer is often a circle of family, friends and loved ones who are having their own levels of difficulties living with this disorder. Treatment is available, but sometimes heading down that road isn’t as easy as it would seem.

Depressive Effects of Bipolar Disorder

Here’s what it looks like for the person who has bipolar disorder. When they are experiencing the down side, they shut off communication with others and withdraw. They don’t want to go out or make phones calls. The simple act of getting out of bed is sometimes too much to handle. Now, imagine living with someone going through that phase. Talking has stopped. Whatever plans you once had for social events are now out the window and that person is no longer contributing to the household responsibilities.

Move this problem over to work and you’ll find the person caught in the throes of the depression of bipolar disorder can’t concentrate or complete assignments. They might lash out at coworkers and create a destructive working environment. Would any boss put up with that especially with so many people lining up for work?

Manic Effects of Bipolar Disorder

Now flip this around to the manic side of a bipolar disorder. The sufferer is now rebounding with energy. They become hyperactive, wanting to do everything all at once. Before there was no communication; now they are expressing every random thought that comes into their head. For the person living with this, it’s hard to keep up. The sufferer requires constant attention and will be always on the go. This can be extremely exhausting.

What is equally exhausting is not knowing which type of personality you’re going to experience on any given day. All these symptoms of bipolar disorder can cause huge fractures in relationships — not only between spouses but also with any children that are in the picture. The good news is that no one has to live like this when help and bipolar disorder treatment programs are available.

After a diagnosis is made, the person with the disorder is going to be prescribed drug therapies. This might take a few weeks before a change will be seen which requires more understanding from family and friends. A little encouragement can go a long way toward a successful treatment outcome. You can find out more about how to provide support by calling the toll-free number on this page.