The Value of Support When Coping with Depression and Anxiety

The Value of Support When Coping with Depression and Anxiety

Depression is a complex disease in that it occurs for a variety of reasons. Some individuals experience depression while experiencing a serious medical condition while others may have a family history of it or have just experienced a life-altering event, such as the death of a loved one.

Those who do experience depression often feel an intense overwhelming feeling of sadness mixed with loneliness for no apparent reason over an extended amount of time. There are numerous reasons individuals suffer with depression, and no matter if the reasons behind it are from a traumatic experience, substance abuse, loss of employment or the death of a loved one, all individuals should receive the same support with learning how to cope with it.

Living with any chronic illness, such as depression, can leave the individual feeling overwhelmed, which is why it’s important to seek support to help the individual learn how to manage both their life and mood.  No matter where the support comes from—loved ones, therapist or co-workers—finding those who truly care about the individual’s well being can better help them overcome their depression and anxiety and regain their life back.

As important as it is for the individual suffering with depression and anxiety to feel supported, not taking the support she has for granted is just as important. Remembering those who encouraged your new healthy lifestyle and thanking them for constantly being there can strengthen any relationship and show them that you truly valued their help.

The Importance of Support When Coping With Depression and Anxiety

Although an individual is not able to control the fact that he has depression or anxiety, he can seek support for himself to help him be able to better cope with it. Some may seek additional support from those they surround themselves with while others may not have to have a personable relationship with the other, just the added support and encouraging words may be enough for them. Support can come in numerous forms including the the following:

  • Loved ones
  • On-line
  • Co-workers

Finding the support needed to help an individual learn how to cope with her depression and anxiety means the individual needs to be honest and be able to effectively communicate her feelings to others.  This can be a difficult step for some, especially those who have felt judged by their peers because of the choices they made while they were struggling with their depression and anxiety.

Finding individuals who are able to support without judgment and encourage the individual is important for them to rebuild and reconnect with both themselves and others. Maybe they have a hard time trusting others because of an event they experienced, which was the initial cause of their anxiety or depression and now find that they have to rely on others to help keep them motivated and on track to overcome their depression. This can be overwhelming, exciting and exhausting for anyone who has to learn how to re-build trust in others.

Support can be shown in numerous ways including the following:

  • Attending meetings/therapy
  • Showing an interest
  • Checking in
  • Celebrating the victories

If an individual has not suffered from either depression or anxiety, he is not aware of the ways an individual who is suffering from them needs in order to feel supported. This is when the individual seeking the added support must communicate to others what he needs from them to feel supported and loved. Each individual is different and may approach asking for support in a variety of ways. If the individual is having issues with effectively communicating how he needs to feel support from his loved ones, he may ask for them to attend a therapy session. During this session the therapist may encourage both parties to express their concerns as well as keep the topic on course so that both can leave knowing what is expected of them.

Something as simple as showing an interest in one’s hobbies, form of treatment seeking or asking how one’s day was can make her feel cared for and encourage her to make the necessary changes to support a healthy lifestyle. A call or text making sure the individual is ok and asking if she needs anything can help her understand that others want her to succeed as much as she is personally wanting to. Help celebrate her victories, no matter how small the victory may be. Being surrounded by loved ones can help any individual overcome her obstacles.