Causes of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a condition which affects the mind. The person that has it will experience wild swings in mood. They will go from experiencing intense feelings of depression and sadness, with equally intense feelings of happiness and energy. Though this is a condition which affects millions of people, scientists and health professionals have yet to determine its cause. There are theories, of course, which we will mention and expand on below.

Possible Causes of Bipolar Disorder

a. Hereditary:

There is the belief that those with conditions such as bipolar disorder may be more prone to it due to genetics. Individuals who have a parent or sibling with a mood disorder such as bipolar, as a higher chance of having it as well, then those who do not have family members with the disorder. Identical twins are more likely to have the disorder if the other twin does then fraternal twins, in fact, 3 times the likelihood. Persons that have a family member with manic depressive disorder are more at risk of developing the mental condition themselves.

b. Extreme Stress:

When a person is under a great deal of stress, he or she is much more prone to developing mood disorders. This can be a sudden and one time event or chronic stress. The amount of stress that is required to cause bipolar disorder will differ based on the person. Some individuals are able to handle a lot of stress. Other people are not. Researchers have found that stress can trigger the onset of bipolar disorder. Once a person develops it, the disorder and cycles of manic and depression becomes difficult to predict and control. It is believed that an individual’s biological and mental processes will take over and keep the disorder going. It will be necessary for the individuals suffering from bipolar disorder to get proper treatment.

c. Overstimulation:

There have some reports that the brains of people with bipolar disorder have more cells in certain areas. This is believed to result in over stimulation, which may manifest themselves in intense and extreme mood swings. A person with bipolar disorder will experience extreme highs and lows. This theory is a fairly new one and will require further study and testing.

d. Neurotransmitter Problems:

It has been proven that there is a connection between neurotransmitters and mood disorders. There is a belief that improper levels of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine can result in mood disorders. This is why many of the depression medications on the market used to treat them attempt to correct such imbalances. Scientists and health professionals believe that neurotransmitters, at least in some way, are related to the development of bipolar disorder.

The causes of bipolar disorder are not fully understood. While health professionals, scientists and researcher have their theories, none of them are believed to be the definitive cause of the disease. More research and study is required so that hopefully, one day, it will be possible to know exactly what causes the troubling mental condition. Once a cause is determined, doctors will know how to best treat bipolar disorder.